Buy Viagra Generic (Sildenafil) 100 mg Online

Viagra is one of the popular medications Trans Wellness Pharmacy for restoring healthy erections and treating premature ejaculation. The drug has a high-quality and fast effect, is suitable for men of all age categories, and has a minimal risk of side effects without contraindications. Viagra can be used every day. The medicine is not addictive when taken regularly.

It accumulates in the blood in small quantities, but in the absence of severe liver pathologies, it does not harm health or cause complications of existing chronic ailments. Taking Viagra is recommended for men who are unable to independently achieve a strong erection and maintain it for full sexual intercourse. Erectile dysfunction is the most common disease, which is expressed by sluggish and short-lived erections, premature emission of seminal fluid, and low sexual energy.

Viagra can be taken as an auxiliary product in the complex treatment of prostatitis or infertility. The drug is suitable for healthy men who want not only to increase the duration of their intimacy but also to enhance the sensations received from orgasm. To achieve a temporary effect, it is recommended to take Viagra occasionally.

Where to Buy Viagra Generic (Sildenafil) 100 mg Online ?

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$0.35 Per pill-Go to Shop

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$0.50 Per pill-Go to Shop

How to choose the right dose of the drug?

The drug is available in three standard dosages: 25, 50, and 100 mg. It is not at all obvious that the larger the dose, the more effective the drug will be. It's different for everyone. For example, a high dose of Viagra in women can cause the clitoris to become too sensitive, and instead of pleasure, lovemaking turns into monstrous agony. On the other hand, too low a dosage of the drug may not be sufficient to produce a full erection in a man.

There are multiple methods for determining the appropriate dosage of a drug. Commonly, a starting dose of 50 mg is prescribed. Based on the observed effects, this dosage may either be adjusted or maintained if the desired outcome is achieved. Alternatively, treatment can begin with the lowest possible dosage, which is gradually increased until a satisfactory therapeutic response is obtained. The maximum daily dose is 100 milligrams. This amount of the component is safe for middle-aged men who do not have chronic kidney or liver pathologies. The effect of the drug lasts for four hours.


Dosage and age

Older men and those who suffer from chronic pathologies of the liver or kidneys should reduce the daily dose to 25-50 milligrams (depending on how you feel). If you use the product regularly (more than twice a week), you should also reduce the daily dose of the active substance.

For frequent use, it is recommended to use 25 milligrams once every 24 hours. When using medications containing vasodilators, you must use a minimum dose of Viagra (up to 25 milligrams per day), having first consulted a doctor. Before starting treatment for sexual dysfunction with Viagra, a number of contraindications must be excluded.

Viagra 1


You need to take Viagra pill 55-60 minutes before the start of sexual intercourse. The drug should be washed down with warm water or other non-alcoholic liquid. You can take Viagra regardless of meals. During treatment, it is recommended to avoid eating foods with a fat content higher than 30%. Fatty foods interfere with the proper absorption of medicinal substances into the blood and slow down the effect of this product.

Give preference to cereal dishes, fruits, and vegetables. Viagra should not be taken simultaneously with medications Trans Wellness Pharmacy that contain nitrates, alpha-blockers, nitric oxide donors, or other types of inhibitors. These substances reduce the effect of Sildenafil, increasing its concentration in plasma. The break between taking these substances and Viagra should be three weeks.

Viagra 2

Contraindications for Viagra are:

  • Individual intolerance to the main drug component (Sildenafil);
  • minor age;
  • severe diseases of the cardiovascular system (unstable angina, mitral or aortic valve insufficiency, myocarditis, hypertension, coronary diseases, atherosclerosis);
  • serious disorders of the liver or kidneys (acute liver or kidney failure);
  • peptic ulcer of the stomach or duodenum;
  • chronic pathologies of the nervous system;
  • tendency to bleed;
  • injury or deformation of the penis;
  • diseases of the retina that are inherited;
  • epilepsy.

The drug is contraindicated in men who have suffered a heart attack or stroke (within the first six months), as well as other serious surgical interventions.