Buy Valium Generic (Diazepam) 10 mg Online

Mental disorders cause patients no less discomfort than physical ones and require complex, long-term treatment. As part of therapy, doctors often prescribe Valium to patients, an effective and inexpensive drug.

Valium belongs to the category of anxiolytic tranquilizers. It has a depressing effect on the functions of the central nervous system, which is realized mainly in certain parts of the brain and the limbic system. Activates the inhibitory effect of a substance that inhibits the transmission of nerve impulses in the central nervous system - gamma-aminobutyric acid. It has an anxiolytic, sedative, and hypnotic effect, relaxes muscles, and relieves cramps. The main active ingredient of the drug is diazepam, a derivative of benzodiazepine.

Where to Buy Valium Generic (Diazepam) 10 mg Online ?

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Indications for use

Indications for the use of Valium include the following diseases and pathological conditions:

  • neuroses and neurotic disorders accompanied by anxiety;
  • elimination of psychomotor agitation;
  • epilepsy, convulsive seizures;
  • increased muscle tone (tetanus, blood flow disorders in the arteries of the brain);
  • elimination of delirium and withdrawal syndrome in the treatment of chronic alcoholism;
  • preparation for surgical interventions or diagnostic procedures that require absolute calm of the patient;
  • complex therapy of hypertension if symptoms include increased anxiety and excitability;
  • preeclampsia, eclampsia, labor facilitation;
  • menopausal and hormonal imbalances in women.

If there are appropriate indications for use, Valium is prescribed for any pathologies accompanied by disruption of the nervous system, increased excitability, anxiety, insomnia, etc.


Mode of application

The dosage is calculated depending on the response to the drug of /trans-wellness-pharmacy/, the indication, the clinical picture of the underlying and concomitant diseases, and the patient’s condition.

Main purpose: postoperative analgesia, relief of the condition of cancer patients, with acute pain as a result of injuries. Tramadol can be used before operations and painful diagnostic procedures.

In psychiatry, Valium is prescribed for phobias, dysphoria, hypochondriacal reactions, hysterical reactions, neuroses twice a day, 5-10 mg. In some cases, the dose is increased to 60 mg as needed. Alcohol withdrawal syndrome: on the first day, 10 mg three times a day, then the amount of diazepam is reduced to 5 mg three times a day.

For patients with atherosclerosis, weakened patients, Valium is indicated twice a day, 2 mg. In neurological practice, for degenerative diseases and spastic conditions, diazepam is prescribed 2-3 times a day, 5-10 mg.

In rheumatology and cardiology: treatment of angina pectoris three times a day, 2-5 mg; for arterial hypertension - 5 mg three times a day; for vertebral syndrome – 4 times a day, 10 mg. For myocardial infarction, Valium is indicated as part of complex therapy: the initial dosage is 10 mg intravenously, then the drug is prescribed 1-3 times a day, 5-10 mg.


Valium is considered a potent drug that has a number of contraindications for use:

  • myasthenia gravis in severe form;
  • shock and coma;
  • angle-closure glaucoma;
  • addiction to drugs and alcohol (with the exception of treatment of withdrawal syndrome and alcoholic delirium);
  • nocturnal respiratory arrest syndrome;
  • alcohol intoxication;
  • obstructive diseases of the respiratory system, respiratory failure;
  • intoxication with medications, especially those that have a depressing effect on the function of the nervous system;
  • children up to a month old;
  • individual hypersensitivity to benzodiazepines and their derivatives.

Use with caution in severe renal and hepatic dysfunction, depression, organic brain disorders, Lennox-Gastaut syndrome, ataxia, and in old age.


Side effects

Treatment with Valium can cause side effects in various organs and systems.

The most common ones include:

  • drowsiness, decreased performance;
  • muscle hypotonicity;
  • decrease in blood pressure;
  • weakening of sexual desire;
  • allergic manifestations;
  • disturbances of speech and visual function;
  • confusion, disorientation;
  • bradycardia, tachycardia;
  • coldness of the extremities;
  • thrombosis;
  • dry mouth;
  • digestive dysfunction;
  • paradoxical reactions (increased excitability, insomnia, tremor);
  • changes in laboratory blood parameters.

If dosages are observed, adverse reactions are rare, but during therapy, the patient requires medical supervision. If adverse reactions develop, you must immediately stop treatment and consult a specialist.

Special instructions

When prescribing the drug from Trans Wellness Pharmacy to children, debilitated, and elderly people, medical supervision is necessary, as respiratory function disorders are possible.

The drug can cause coordination problems, drowsiness and a decrease in cognitive functions, therefore, when driving vehicles and performing hazardous activities, you must be careful and, if possible, refuse such work.

Long-term use of Valium is addictive, and abrupt cessation of use causes withdrawal syndrome, which is expressed by depression, cardiovascular disorders, paradoxical reactions: increased excitability, insomnia, irritability.

In obese patients, with impaired hepatic and renal function, as well as elderly patients, the effect of the active substance may last longer due to the extended elimination period. To avoid drug incompatibility, taking any drugs in combination with Valium should be discussed with your doctor.