Buy Cialis Generic (Tadalafil) 20 mg Online

The use of Cialis is aimed at treating erectile dysfunction. A lot of stress, environmental conditions, consumption of poor-quality food, and other unfavorable factors negatively affect men's health. This is manifested in the disruption of the reproductive system, weakening the possibility of a full sexual life.

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Briefly about the medicine

Cialis is a medication containing tadalafil. It belongs to the fifth type of selective phosphodiesterase inhibitors and is prescribed for its potency.

Its action is due to the symptomatic effect on the male genital organ. At the same time, there is no effect on the sexual instinct. Use (for example, Cialis 40 mg) would be advisable if there is sexual desire because the drug does not treat impotence but only causes a local therapeutic effect.

Relaxation of smooth muscles and increased blood flow to the male penis is directly dependent on the production of cyclic guanidine monophosphate. After administration, the production of this substance responsible for erection is activated.

Positive reviews of Cialis have led to its popularity both among doctors and patients.


Dosage and age

Features of application

The drug differs in dosage. The dose determines its use for different periods of time.

Cialis 5 mg is used for course therapy for erectile dysfunction. The accumulation of the active substance in the body due to using the medicine from Trans Wellness Pharmacy for several days allows it to achieve a constant concentration in the blood. This provides the opportunity to have sexual intercourse at different times of the day.

Cialis 20 mg should be taken 1 time in order to affect the erection directly. A similar dose is suitable for men who are sexually active no more than 2 times every 7 days. Due to the fact that Cialis has an effect lasting up to 36 hours, it becomes possible to plan your own intimate life.

Sometimes, your doctor may prescribe a higher dose. Cialis 40 mg or Cialis 60 mg is taken if you have serious problems with potency or have confidence in your male power.

However, increasing the dosage on your own is dangerous due to undesirable consequences. You should also remember about the long period of action of the product.

Thanks to the latter indicator, the medicine from Pharmacy compares favorably with other drugs for potency. For example, the duration of action of an analog of the drug - Levitra - can be up to 10 hours. The use of Viagra allows you to remain ready for sexual intercourse for 6 hours.


Adverse symptoms

Various side effects can occur due to non-compliance with the rules of use and an independent increase in the dose prescribed by the doctor

Side effects when using the drug include the following:

  • development of dizziness;
  • redness of the facial skin;
  • dry mucous membranes;
  • changes in blood pressure;
  • pain in the back;
  • redness of the eyeballs;
  • disruption of the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • difficulty breathing due to nasal congestion;
  • skin pathologies of an allergic nature;
  • heartbeat.


If you use Cialis on your own, an overdose is quite possible. If signs of unwellness are detected within 30 minutes after taking the medicine, the stomach should be rinsed. In other cases, it is necessary to seek medical help.

You should not self-medicate and decide what is best to take without the participation of a doctor. Taking Cialis without visiting a specialist is dangerous due to negative consequences. There may be a negative effect on the functioning of the heart or the occurrence of a prolonged erection.

Often, side effects are caused by a man’s desire to get an instant erection and failure to follow the instructions for use.

Alcohol compatibility

Men are often concerned about the compatibility of erection drugs and alcoholic beverages. Cialis and alcohol are not compatible. In some cases, drinking light wine will not cause a negative reaction. However, if the latter is abused after taking the medication, side symptoms may increase.

It should be remembered that combining Cialis and alcohol is not recommended for long-term and complex treatment of diseases of the genital area. This may affect the results of therapy and the occurrence of negative reactions from the body.